Style Transfer - Android App

It's also easy to complete fun style transfer on your phone. Come and try it~


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in Chinese


This project implements the Style Transfer app on the Android platform, which can generate new art work that combines style of one picture with content of another one.


How to install

  • You can download this APP via BaiduCloud or OneDrive

  • Git clone this project

    git clone

    and import it into Android Studio, then you can generate an apk file by yourself

Operating Environment

The following are only recommended configurations, and the minimum configuration has not been tested.

  • Operating system: Android 8.0 and above is recommended
  • CPU: Qualcomm 845@2.80GHz or Kirin 970@2.80GHz and above
  • Storage capacity: 256M or more recommended
  • Memory: 4G or more recommended

It is known that insufficient memory will cause OOM error, and there will be a possibility of running errors when the operating system version is lower than Android 8.0.


This project has applied for computer software copyright, so please don't use it in any business purpose.

Some Bug Need Be fixed

  • When the cover is returned by pressing the Back button, the immersive effect of the status bar disappears
  • When saving the picture for the first time, you need to authorize the write permission. After giving the permission, you need to click the download button again to save it
  • The saved image cannot be found in the Huawei image browser, only found in the file system
  • Sometimes there are bugs where images saved to the local cannot be shared